A Village Fair Paragraph ( गांव का मेला ) | PDF Download | Hindi and English |

A Village Fair Paragraph (  गांव का मेला  ) | PDF Download | Hindi and English |

✹ A Village Fair in English :-

A village fair is often a small fair held on a particular occasion. It is held in an open space. People from adjoining villages gather there. Generally there is a river. They bathe in the river and worship some gods or goddesses. Men, women and children from villages gather there. Temporary shops are there. Villagers buy things useful to them. A number of shops of sweets are there. Such a fair is useful from many points of view. In a country like ours it is very useful.

✹ A Village Fair in Hindi ( गांव का मेला ) :-

गांव का मेला अक्सर एक छोटा मेला होता है । जो किसी विशेष अवसर पर लगता है । यह एक खुले मैदान में लगता है । अगल-बगल के गांव से लोग इस मेले में आते हैं । सामान्यतः वहां कोई नदी होती है । लोग नदी में स्नान करते हैं और कुछ देवी-देवताओं की पूजा करते हैं । ग्रामीण पुरुष महिलाएं तथा बच्चे इस मेले में आते हैं । अस्थाई दुकानें लगाई जाती है । ग्रामवासी अपनी आवश्यकता की वस्तुएं खरीदते हैं । मिठाइयों की अनेक दुकानें होती है । अनेक दृष्टिकोणों से ऐसा मेला उपयोगी होता है । हमारे जैसे देश में यह अत्यंत उपयोगी है ।

✻ A Village Fair Paragraph ( गांव का मेला ) PDF Download

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