Business and Economic Related One Word Substitution ( Hindi and English )

Business and Economic Related One Word Substitution ( Hindi and English ) | PDF Download |

Useful for SSC,Banking,MBA,LIC,NDA,CDS etc.

list of Business and Economic Related One Word Substitution :-

Manufacturer A company thatmakes large quantities of goods. उत्पादक

retailer A business that sells goods to customer through its shops. खुदरा व्यापारी

Distributor A company or person that supplies shops and companies with goods. वितरक

Service industry An industry that provides a service rather than a product. सेवा क्षेत्र

Finance Company A company that lends money especially to businesses. वित्तीय कंपनी

Corporation A big company or a group of companies working together as a single organization निगम

Corporate A belonging or relating to a large company or corporations. निगम से सम्बंधित

Parent company The company that controls a smaller company or organization मूल कंपनी

Sister Company One of two or more companies that are owned by the same parent company. अधीनस्थ कंपनी

Affiliate A small company or organization that is connected with or controlled by a large one. बड़ी कंपनी द्वारा संचालित छोटी कंपनी

Venture capital The money lent to someone so that they can start a new business. प्रारंभिक पूंजी

Economics Study of the method in which money and goods are produced or used. अर्थशास्त्र

Economy One who studies the method in which money and goods are produced or used. अर्थ प्रबंधन

Business cycle A cycle in which business activity increases, decreases and then increases. व्यवसाय चक्र

Inflation The continuous increases in prices, or the rate of which prices increase. मुद्रास्फीति

Recession A difficult time when there is less trade, business activity etc. in a country than usual मंदी

Currency The system or type of money that a country uses. मुद्रा

Fiscal Related to money , taxes, debts etc that are owned and managed by the government. वित्तीय

Gross domestic product The total value of all goods and services produced in a country in one year सकल घरेलू उत्पाद

Gross national product The total value of all goods produced in a country usually in a single year. सकल राष्ट्रीय उत्पाद

Perquisite An emolument over and above fixed salary अनुलाभ

Embezzlement An act of misappropriation of money गबन

Pilferage Act of stealing in small quantities लघुचोरी

Subsistence Income just sufficient to live on. जीवित रहने के साधन

Gratuity Money given as a reward for service. उपदान , उपहार

Remuneration Reward for a work or service. मेहनताना , मजदूरी

Incentive Something which provides interest and attraction. उत्पादन वृद्धि हेतु कर्मचारियो को अतिरिक्त भत्ता

Commission To give money for sales to agents दलाली

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