list of Movement Related One Word Substitution :-
✻ Flux ➥ A continuous process of change is known as ➥ प्रवाह
✻ Reflex ➥ An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a ➥ अनैच्छिका
✻ Vibration ➥ A small , fast , continuous shaking movement ➥ कम्पन
✻ Mutation ➥ A change that befalls something ➥ परिवर्तन / बदलाव
✻ Gust ➥ A sudden rush of wind ➥ हवा का तेज झोका
✻ Stroll ➥ A short walk for pleasure or exercise ➥ पैदल घूमना
✻ Sojourn ➥ A short stay at a place ➥ थोड़े समय के लिए ठहरना
✻ Excursion ➥ A short journey made by a group of persons together ➥ सैर
✻ Honeymoon ➥ A holiday which is taken by a newly married couple ➥ सुहागरात मनाने का अवकाश
✻ Capture ➥ Bring under control by force ➥ कब्जा / अधीन करना
✻ Subjugate ➥ Bring under control in war ➥ अधीन / दमन करना
✻ Exodus ➥ Departure of many people ➥ बहिर्गमन
✻ Internment ➥ Detaining and confining something ➥ नजरबंदी
✻ Diagnose ➥ Determine the nature of disease ➥ पहचानना
✻ Momentary ➥ Lasting only for a moment ➥ क्षणिक
✻ Temporary / Transient / Ephemeral ➥ Lasting only for a very short while ➥ क्षणिक
✻ Ephemeral ➥ Lasting for a very short time ➥ क्षणिक
✻ Gesture ➥ Motion of head, hands etc, as a mode of expression indicating attitude ➥ भाव भंगिमा
✻ Distort ➥ Pull out of usual shape ➥ विकृत करना , तोडना
✻ Juxtapose ➥ Placing a thing beside another ➥ पास - पास रखना
✻ Juxtapose ➥ Placing a thing beside another ➥ आस - पास रखना सटाना / अगल -बगल
✻ Repatriate ➥ Return to one's own country ➥ देश को लोटना
✻ Tremor ➥ Shaking movement of the ground. ➥ भूकम्प के झटके
✻ Cataclysm ➥ Sudden and violent change ➥ प्रलय
✻ Velocity ➥ Speed of an object in one direction ➥ वेग
✻ Radiate ➥ Send rays of light or heat ➥ विकिरण करना
✻ Surreptitious ➥ Stealthily done ➥ छल से किया हुआ
✻ Jettison ➥ To throw or drop unnecessary goods of fuel from a ship, an aircraft , a spacecraft etc ➥ माल प्रक्षेपण , फेंक देना
✻ Dawdle ➥ To walk slowly , wasting time ➥ समय गवांना
✻ Eradicate ➥ To remove all traces of ➥ नष्ट करना / जड़ सहित उखाड़ना
✻ Expedite ➥ To quicken the completion of work ➥ जल्दी करना / शीघ्रता करना
✻ Emancipate ➥ To free from the confines of something to liberate from ➥ मुक्त या उध्दार करना
✻ Ostracise ➥ To banish or turn out of society and fellowship ➥ जाति से बाहर करना / बहिष्कृत करना
✻ Orientation ➥ The act of fixing of a proper position for something ➥ स्वस्थिति निर्धारण / परिस्थितियों के अनुसार ढालने की योग्यता
✻ Coerce ➥ To restrain by force or impel a person by force ➥ धमकाना / जोर - जुल्म करना / जबरन काम करवाना
✻ Desertion ➥ The abandonment of one's country or cause ➥ त्याग / सम्बंध विच्छेद
✻ Accelerate ➥ To increase the speed of ➥ चल बढ़ाना
✻ Wriggle ➥ To move along with quick, short twisting ➥ शरीर ऐंठना
✻ Elope ➥ To run away with a lover ➥ प्रेमी के साथ भाग जाना
✻ Moor ➥ To secure a boat by attching it to an anchor ➥ बांधना
✻ Saunter ➥ Walk in a slow relaxed way ➥ सैर
✻ Journey ➥ An act of travelling from one place to another ➥ यात्रा
✻ Voyage ➥ A journey by sea ➥ समुद्री - यात्रा
✻ Waybill ➥ A list of passengers and luggage ➥ यात्री की सूची
✻ Luggage ➥ A baggage of a traveller ➥ यात्री का सामान
✻ Itinerary ➥ Detailed plan of a journey ➥ यात्रा कार्यक्रम
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