list of Animal Related One Word Substitution :-
✻ Predator ➥ An animal which lives by preying on other animals ➥ परभक्षी
✻ Aquiline ➥ eagle like ➥ चील जैसा
✻ Invertebrates ➥ Animals without backbone ➥ अकशेरुकी
✻ Leonine ➥ lion like ➥ शेर जैसा
✻ Ovine ➥ sheep like ➥ भेड़ जैसा
✻ Porcine ➥ pig like ➥ सूअर जैसा
✻ Serpentine ➥ serpent like ➥ सांप जैसा
✻ Ursine ➥ bear like ➥ भालू जैसा
✻ Vulpine ➥ wolf like ➥ भेड़िया जैसा
✻ Asinine ➥ ass like ➥ गधे जैसा
✻ Bovine ➥ cattle like ➥ बैल / गाय जैसा
✻ Canine ➥ dog like ➥ कुत्ते जैसा
✻ Elephantine ➥ elephant like ➥ हाथी जैसा
✻ Equine ➥ horse like ➥ घोड़े जैसा
✻ Feline ➥ cat like ➥ बिल्ली जैसा
✻ carnivorous ➥ Animals that eat flesh ➥ मांसाहारी
✻ Aquatic ➥ Animals which live in water ➥ जलीय
✻ Harness ➥ An equipment of a horse ➥ घोड़े का साज
✻ Harpoon ➥ A spear on a rope for catching whales and other larger fish ➥ हारपुन - मछली पकड़ने की बर्छी या भाला
✻ Hart ➥ An adult male deer ➥ हिरण
✻ Herd ➥ A number of Animals kept feeding or travelling together ➥ पशुओ का झुंड
✻ Hound ➥ A dog used for hunting ➥ शिकारी कुत्ता
✻ Mammal ➥ An animal that feeds its young with milk from the female mammary glands ➥ स्तनपायी प्राणी
✻ Mare ➥ A female of donkey / horse ➥ घोड़ी / गदही
✻ Offspring ➥ A young of Animals ➥ सन्तान / संतति
✻ Reptile ➥ An animal that creeps / crawls and lays eggs ➥ रेंगने वाला प्राणी
✻ Parasite ➥ An animals or plant living in or upon another ➥ परजीवी
✻ Herbivorous ➥ Animals that feeds on plants ➥ शाकाहारी
✻ fable ➥ An animal story with a moral ➥ दंत कथा
✻ Gregarious ➥ Animals who live in herds ➥ संघकारी
✻ Oviparous ➥ Bearing young by eggs ➥ अंडज
✻ Viviparous ➥ Bearing living young ➥ सजीव बच्चा देने वाली
✻ Amphibians ➥ Creatures who live both on land and in water ➥ जलथलचर , उभयचर
✻ Mutton ➥ Flesh of sheep used as food ➥ भेड़ का मांस
✻ Simian ➥ Like an ape or a monkey ➥ बंदररूपी
✻ Cannibal ➥ One who eats human flesh ➥ नरभक्षी
✻ Bovine ➥ Pertaining to cattle ➥ गाय गोरु समान , पशुवत
✻ Equine ➥ Pertaining to horses ➥ अश्वीय , घोड़े समान
✻ Fungus ➥ Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease ➥ कवक
✻ Slough ➥ The dead skin cast off by a snake ➥ केंचुली
✻ Fauna ➥ The Animals of a particular region ➥ पशुवर्ग
✻ Gnaw ➥ To bite like a rat ➥ कुतरना
✻ Porcine ➥ That which is pig like ➥ सूअर जैसा
✻ Leonine ➥ That which is lion like ➥ सिंह जैसा
✻ Canine ➥ That which is dog like ➥ श्वान जैसा
✻ Vulpine ➥ That which is fox like ➥ लोमड़ी जैसा धूर्त
✻ Feline ➥ That which is cat like ➥ बिल्ली जैसा / धूर्त
✻ Piscine ➥ That which is fish like ➥ मछली जैसा
✻ Carcass ➥ The dead body of an Animal ➥ जानवरों का मृत शरीर
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